The Cat in the Street

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It's a cloudy, overcast California morning and I'm driving to work at my usual peppy speed, approaching a busy intersection. There's a shopping center on the left corner, a Target across the street, and a 7-11 on another corner.  As...
Continue reading The Cat in the Street.
Thumbnail image for Santa's face.gif I sent out Christmas cards by snail mail this year, mainly because I've been living a rather solitary life and felt this was a good time to say hello to old friends who live far away, and also because I...
Continue reading The True Meaning of Christmas Cards.
How many roosters does it take to run a premier, cock-fighting headquarters? Would you believe 2,000 or so? West Valley Animal Control Officer Glen Julian reported to me that he was involved in the raid of one of the biggest cockfighting establishments...
Continue reading Cock-a-Doodle -- Dude, You've Got to Be Kidding Me!.
Last Thursday I was in a big, big  hurry. Too much of a hurry, if you ask me now. Fueled with Starbucks coffee and one of those energy drinks, I was attempting to squeeze in a trip to SummerHawk Ranch, to...
Continue reading I Threw My Life Down the Gutter.
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